The major religion in India is Hindu where over 300 million gods have evolved to be worshipped. Some are ancient, some are created by an individual and some are nonsense. Regardless of the gods that are worshipped in India, there is still only ONE TRUE LIVING GOD and that is Jesus Christ. Many places in India that I have been haven’t even heard the name of JESUS! When they do, the Holy Spirit convicts them of the truth of the Good News and their hearts are opened.
The next thing they must do is make the decision to accept Him as their only Savior. To do that is to risk harsh treatment from their family, to be disowned and cast out of their family unit or even killed. It is a great sacrifice but thousands are doing it today.
Those who have accepted Jesus Christ in India make up only about 4-8% of the population. A very slight minority. It will take dedicated Christians (and there are many) to reach the nation of India.

Great things are happening in India. Christian churches are being planted, church buildings rising in the fields of India and the best part is people being saved from the deceptive messages of the Hindu gods.

Teams have been going over to help teach the pastors, church leaders, women and even children greater truths and to encourage them to keep marching in God’s army to preach the gospel.

YOU have an opportunity to be a part of a team going to INDIA. Join me in helping a ministry that is making a difference. My hostess always embraces teams who want to help evangelize and teach her people. A team, led by Deborah Bouchard, a seasoned Indian missionary, is leaving March 11, 2018 to help teach and train pastors and women in communities that are hungry for deeper truths. See below for more details.

Jesus’ last words to His disciples were: “Go into ALL the world…” We must reach beyond the walls of our church and even our nation to help bring the Kingdom of God to people who haven’t even known who Jesus is. Please consider making the trip to India to be a part of the Great Commission

Rev. Deborah Bouchard: Missionary to the nations for 19 years has traveled to India over 10 times in the last 15 years to work with Lata. The people are warm and receptive when an American comes to help pastors and women get a deeper understanding of scripture. They need the encouragement by someone who cares about the success of the men and women who are walking the walk and risk their lives daily to minister to their people.”


March 11 – 23, 2018
Cost: Approx. $2500
Indian Visa Required extra $
Commitment deadline January 15, 2018